R.V.G. Menon

Dr. RVG Menon is a well-known people's science activist in Kerala and a member of the board at LBC. A doctorate in solar energy from Purdue University, USA, his core area of interest is renewable energy technologies. Some of the senior positions he has held during his career include Director of Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT),Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and Director of Integrated Rural Technology Centre (IRTC), Palakkad, Kerala. He has been a member of Board of Studies and Academic Council, Senate and Syndicate in various Universities of Kerala and a member of various Expert Committees of the Government and State Planning Board. A renowned writer and science expert, he has numerous publications to his credit in the areas of energy, science, technology and society.
The following two books by Professor Menon may be considered as basic readings for students of science, technology and social sciences: (1) An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science(2001), Pearson Education, New Delhi and (2) Technology and Society (2011) Pearson Education , New Delhi.